Print n Share from Your iPhone

Wouldn’t it be great just to print out an Email or an iPad or iPhone contact address and phone number, or quickly print out a web page to read later? Move files to or from your computer and print them. How about printing photos from your iPad or iPhone Photo Album? Or even take a picture and print it out immediately!

The Print n Share app for the iPhone allows you to print to any WiFi or shared printer on a WiFi network. Not only that, by installing the publisher’s Weprint software on your computer, you can print through your 3G connection from most anywhere.

Print n Share works with both the iPhone, iPod Touch and the iPad. It will print most anything you can imagine, from photos to Word documents. Overall, if you are only going to consider one program for printing, this is the one to consider due to its versatility, publisher tutorials and positive user reviews. As a bonus, this app can turn your iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch into a hard drive on your WiFi network.

Click this link to learn more about Print and Share.

Alison Currey
Being a Literature Students she loves to write and always kept working for the society and who really need a hand. Apart from writing she is an excellent singer herself. Have found her either reading or drawing in her free time. An inspiring personality you may want to follow at FredForum here.

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