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- 3 Opportunity: the National State of Education for Youth who are Blind or Visually Impaired
- 4 APH at the Louisiana Teacher Training Conference on Blindness and Low Vision
- 5 Forum: Introduction of Accessible, Tactile Currency in America
- 6 APH News: September 2013
- 7 UPDATED! APH Braille Book Corner: Recreational #Braille Titles Available from APH!
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Showing posts from September, 2013Show all
Opportunity: the National State of Education for Youth who are Blind or Visually Impaired
ByUnknown–September 19, 2013 By Corbb O’Connor. Article source, reposted with permission of the Blog on Blindness from the Louisiana Tech Institute on Blindness.
This weekend, the Institute on Blindness will have the honor of hosting teachers of blind and low-vision students for a two-day conference. The goal is to connect teachers with a local, state, and national professional development network.
Natalie Shaheen, a former teacher of blind students and current Director of Education programs at the National Federation of the Blind Jernigan Institute, will present the keynote address at the Louisiana Teacher Training Conference on Blindness and Low Vision.
“Our education system is in a time of flux, and this provides us with great opportunities as educators,” Ms. Shaheen said in an interview.
Here are just some of the ideas that Ms. Shaheen will be presenting in her speech entitled, “The National State of Education for Youth who are Blind or Visually Impaired.”
Early identificationThis time of year, Ms. Sha…Post a CommentRead More »
APH at the Louisiana Teacher Training Conference on Blindness and Low Vision
ByUnknown–September 17, 2013Post a CommentRead More »
Forum: Introduction of Accessible, Tactile Currency in America
ByUnknown–September 12, 2013I clearly remember sitting at a table in elementary school with lot of money in front of me. My vision teacher, as I called her, was showing me the differences between a quarter, a penny, a dime, and so forth. A quarter is large, with a rough edge. A dime has the same edge as a quarter, but is much smaller. Nickels and pennies have smooth edges. These tips and tricks have helped me countless times over the years.
But what about paper money? There are tricks for this, too, including folding edges or separating money within a wallet or purse. APH offers the iBill Currency Scanner to help with this issue. Yet, accessible currency has long been a major issue in this country. Many other countries around the world have currency that is accessible to their citizens who are blind.
Since a court ruling in 2008, the Department of the Treasury has been working to make US currency accessible to people who are blind and visually impaired.
The National Council on Disability, the Federal Reserve Bo…Post a CommentRead More »
APH News: September 2013
ByUnknown–September 04, 2013September 2013 Exciting New APH Products Announced! Read on to learn about these new products – now available!
APH Sizzlin’ Summer Savings SaleNEW! DNA TwistAPH Braille Book Corner Are You Ready to Be STEMulated? Don’t Forget to Register for Annual Meeting!Kevin O’Connor, Keynote SpeakerMillie SmithEllen TriefKristie SmithSusan Osterhaus If you haven’t registered for the 2013 Annual Meeting, October 17-19, make sure to do so soon. This year’s theme, “The Universe at Our Fingertips: STEMulating Products for Life” will STEMulate your brain, your senses, and your spirit! Please join us as we embrace the universe of products and services from APH designed to connect students, and others, with all aspects of life while emphasizing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Visit the APH website to look over the information about our great program, outstanding related meetings, tours of APH, fun social events, and more.
Highlights will include the opening keyn…Post a CommentRead More »
UPDATED! APH Braille Book Corner: Recreational #Braille Titles Available from APH!
ByMichael McCarty-September 04, 2013Post a CommentRead More »More postsPowered by Blogger
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