the National Technical Assistance Center for Latinos with Disabilities, is looking for reporters with first person experience withLatino culture and disability.
Reporters are needed to write articles documenting
- success stories about how Latinos with disabilities living in the U.S. have found jobs or advanced in their careers
- experiences and challenges disabled Latinos face in obtaining education, training, assistive technology, independent living services andjobs in both urban and rural communities in the U.S.
- Latino organizations reaching out to serve disabled members of their communities
- disability organizations reaching out to serve Latinos
- analyses of the situations of disabled Latinos in areas of the U.S. that have a high concentration Latinos with disabilities
- obstacles and failures, especially if something was learned from the experience
- interpretation of how new federal initiatives or legislation impact disabled Latinos
Reporters will be expected to use a variety of techniques to obtaininformation including conducting interviews and surveys, attending meetings, networking, and using local or Web-based libraries and information centers.Articles will be short, practical, and may be submitted in English or Spanish. Go to to see sample articles. Reporters willbe compensated for their work on a per-article basis.
To apply, send a resume describing yourself and your skills, and a one-page article you have written about disabled Latinos to Robin Savinar or call (510) 251-4325.
The National Technical Assistance Center for Latinos with Disabilities is a project of the World Institute on Disability, supported by theRehabilitation Services Administration.