Freelance Opportunities for Disabled Latino Writers in the U.S.

the National Technical Assistance Center for Latinos with Disabilities, is looking for reporters with first person experience withLatino culture and disability.

Reporters are needed to write articles documenting

  • success stories about how Latinos with disabilities living in the U.S. have found jobs or advanced in their careers
  • experiences and challenges disabled Latinos face in obtaining education, training, assistive technology, independent living services andjobs in both urban and rural communities in the U.S.
  • Latino organizations reaching out to serve disabled members of their communities
  • disability organizations reaching out to serve Latinos
  • analyses of the situations of disabled Latinos in areas of the U.S. that have a high concentration Latinos with disabilities
  • obstacles and failures, especially if something was learned from the experience
  • interpretation of how new federal initiatives or legislation impact disabled Latinos

Reporters will be expected to use a variety of techniques to obtaininformation including conducting interviews and surveys, attending meetings, networking, and using local or Web-based libraries and information centers.Articles will be short, practical, and may be submitted in English or Spanish. Go to to see sample articles. Reporters willbe compensated for their work on a per-article basis.

To apply, send a resume describing yourself and your skills, and a one-page article you have written about disabled Latinos to Robin Savinar or call (510) 251-4325.

The National Technical Assistance Center for Latinos with Disabilities is a project of the World Institute on Disability, supported by theRehabilitation Services Administration.

Alison Currey
Being a Literature Students she loves to write and always kept working for the society and who really need a hand. Apart from writing she is an excellent singer herself. Have found her either reading or drawing in her free time. An inspiring personality you may want to follow at FredForum here.

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